We all know the power of the perfect handbag. You know, the one that fits every outfit, occasion and essential. We know that your beautiful leather clutch can’t double as Fido’s travel bag (he gets his own, obvi), and a crossbody may not hold enough ice cream and wine to cheer up your bestie after a bad breakup. Enter: our latest blog series. Each month, we select and assemble a bag that caters to a situation in which you’re bound to find yourself.
February may be known as the month of love, but your bestie’s winter whirlwind romance has come to an end, and now it’s your time to shine. No one knows how to cheer her up like you do, so you’re going to need to pull out all the stops. It’s your job to help pull her out of her slump — and we know exactly what you need to do so (we have it down to a science). There are five things needed to help your girlfriend cheer up, reboot and move on — and luckily, they can all fit in your trusty Vivian Hobo Bag. We know what you’re thinking — there is no way a bottle of wine can fit in your shoulder bag. But that, friends, is the real beauty of our Vivian Hobo Bag — well, that and the front zip pockets for your phone, removable crossbody strap and interior storage galore …

She suffered through the Whole30 last month and now a breakup this month – give the girl a bottle of wine! Pick up her favorite rosé. This thoughtful gesture is sure to bring a smile to her face and will be the perfect complement to #3.
The first step to getting over a break up is ice cream (it’s a scientific fact). Bring over her favorite flavor of Halo Top and maybe a few chocolates to share over wine and girl talk.
Does it have to be Bridget Jones specifically? The answer is yes. There is no cure for heartbreak quite like ice cream paired with a witty British rom-com. Renée Zellweger is charming and so relatable — and her love interests aren’t bad on the eyes either. This is guaranteed to have her laughing and ready to get back out there in no time.
Whether girl talk gets sentimental or the movie has her laughing until she cries, tissues are always a must.
You want your friend to know she’s a total catch, so pick up a little something pretty for her to wear when she’s ready to get back out into the dating world. A cute scarf is just a small token of your confidence in her that she’ll truly appreciate.
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